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Layers of Hope

Layers of Hope


Layers of Hope: A New Wine of Revelation in Christ -- Deliverance, Inspiration, Destiny by Alicia Higgs


At a point of hopelessness, Jesus walked with the author in a uniquely beautiful way—through prose and prophetic poetry. These became her personal Layers of Hope, and sharing them is a rescue mission from Jesus. Unwrap these hope-filled layers of prose and poetry to receive . . . Deliverance. A divine design of healing from Jesus to release the freight of your pain and false identities, and to witness the new wine of hope overflowing in your life as son’s and daughter’s of the Lord Almighty. Inspiration. Create new patterns of thinking and responding—a new flavor of hope—so the lost, the destitute, those afflicted by trauma and abuse, receive a gift of perpetual blessings and peace, which comes from your cup of Christ-lead obedience. Destiny. Victory is your God-given destiny as the Bride of Christ (the Body of Christ). You have been delivered, healed, freed, and can walk on God’s ordained, blood-paid path. Christ Jesus, the One who paid it all for us to have an abundant life, will move you through layers upon Layers of Hope, and you will end with the new wine of revelation of your true identity in Christ. You have a story written upon your heart, and make no mistake; you are being made into a masterpiece by God. You are His child, part of His church, His Bride—and He beckons you to live a surrendered life in Christ.

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